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YFS Minutes 03/07/2017
Old Saybrook Youth & Family Services Commission Meeting
                                            Minutes   March 7, 2017; 5:30 pm
322 Main Street, Old Saybrook, CT 06475

Members Present:
Sam Barnes, Chairman, Dept of Police Svcs. representative
Jennifer Welsh, Vice Chairman, At-Large Member (5:45)
Mary Kennedy, Public Health Nursing Board Representative
Sophie Alden, Student Representative
Lisa Castro, School Representative
Christi Staples, PCI Housing Representative

Also Present:
Heather McNeil, Director Y&FS
Gerri Lewis, Clerk

Jonathan Paradis, Secretary;  Parks and Recreation Representative
Kiwon-Paul Dionne Jee, Student Representative
Sarah Anderson, Student Representative
Sharon Tiezzi, At-large member
Philip Max Ledwith, Student Representative

Call to Order
Chairman Barnes called the meeting to order at 5:35 pm.  He welcomed attendees.  

Pledge of Allegiance
Chairman Barnes led the pledge of allegiance.


Comments from the Public   None

Review and Approval of Minutes
A motion made by Ms. Castro  to approve the minutes of February 7, 2017, was seconded by  Chairman Barnes and was so VOTED with 2 abstentions.


Chairman’s Comments  
Chairman Barnes had no comments.

Director’s Report
Ms. McNeil thanked everyone for coming.

  • Ms. McNeil noted that on March 14th she and students will attend a Board of Education meeting regarding SEARCH survey request;
  • YAC and Cardboard Community: Legacy Project:  Mr. Ledwith is heading up the “Cardboard Community” Senior Project. This is about teen homeless issues.  Date is April 28th.  Christy Staples offered to participate in this project.  Ms. Lewis offered for Mr. Ledwith to speak before Old Saybrook Rotary on his project.
  • Local Prevention Council News:  Ms. McNeil passed out the “Mental Health Resource Directory”.  She noted that a great deal of credit goes to Samantha Steinmaker.  Ms. McNeil noted the services and resources in the directory, which are quite extensive.  The commission thought the directory quite impressive and made several suggestions of medical offices and the like to drop off the directory.
  • Wellness days at OSMS and OSH:  Wellness day is April 6th at the Middle School.  April 17th – 21st will be wellness days at the high school.  Psychological, physical and financial are some of the discussions that will be covered at the Wellness Days.  
Ms. McNeil noted that she attended a grant information session at the United Way today.  They also talked about the School Readiness Act.

               The movie:  Screanagers; Growing Up in The Digital Age will be shown on March 15th.


Old Business –  None


New Business - None


Other Business – None


Adjournment – A motion to adjourn at 6:10 p.m. by  Ms. Kennedy, seconded by Ms. Alden was so VOTED unanimously.

Submitted: Gerri Lewis, Clerk